ArteCo's Tribute to HM&C Artist Catalina Chervin

A selection of Catalina Chervin's drawings and engravings will be exhibited in Corrientes, Argentina at “El Salón de los Pasos Perdidos de la Legislatura Provincial” (The Lost Steps Hall of the Provincial Legislature). The exhibition will open on Friday, June 17 and will last for a month. The tribute to Catalina is a collaboration between the “Instituto de Cultura de la Provincia y Cultura Senado” (Institute of Culture of the Province and the Senate Culture). In this tribute, Catalina will receive the highest distinction granted by the Parliament, “Reconocimiento General Libertador General San Martín” (Recognition General Libertador General San Martín), which will be delivered by the deputy governor of the Province, Néstor Pedro Braillard Poccard.

June 21, 2022
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