Vargas-Suarez Universal's Moon Marker in the Collection of Crystal Park Foundation, Holmes, NY

HM&C Artist Vargas-Suarez Universal created a unique powder coated, welded stainless steel sculpture for the Collection of Crystal Park Foundation, Holmes, NY.

He explains, “Moon Marker is the realization of an imaginary mile marker on the way or on the surface of the Moon. The material and geometric pattern is reminiscent of retro reflectors left on the Moon by Apollo missions from the 1970's [sic] as well as aerospace hardware materials used for space craft and space probes. I imagined that as humans colonize the Moon we will need marker points to mark distances and points between the Moon and the Earth. Moon Marker also marks my first foray into large scale outdoor sculpture with this piece being the beginning of a journey full of possibilities and ideas for the future."
July 27, 2023
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