Call for Proposals: "Latinx Unsettling"

Essays on Juan Sánchez
The U.S. Latinx Art Forum (USLAF) is excited to announce the launch of “X as Intersection: Writing on Latinx Art,” a collaborative project that commissions and presents essays focused on the recipients of the Latinx Artist Fellowship.

The inaugural collection “Latinx Unsettling” invites writers to propose essays exploring 1-2 works by any one of the following artists: Elia Alba, Adriana Corral, Coco Fusco, Ester Hernandez, Juan Sánchez, Diana Solis, and Vincent Valdez.

“Latinx Unsettling” invites the critical questioning of the silos and borders that seek to exclude, contain or diminish us, including frameworks of center and periphery that fail to acknowledge Latinx aesthetic and conceptual innovations and contributions to the development of art and art history.

Submissions are due May 1, 2024. 
April 16, 2024
of 117