Debora Hirsch in "The Artwork in the Era of Artificial Intelligence," Palazzo Pigorini, Parma, Italy

HM&C Artist Debora Hirsch is included in the exhibition The Artwork in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, curated by Chiara Canali, Rebecca Pedrazzi, and Davide Sarchioni at the Palazzo Pigorini, Parma, Italy. The exhibition is on view through May 19th.

This exhibition uses art as a foil in which to think through the ways in which technology has profoundly, and irreversibly, changed our understanding of the category "human." Moving beyond solely the intersection of the virtual and the human, Hirsch's recent corpus of work has been focused on the deployment of blockchain technology as a way of poetically aestheticizing, and preserving, endangered species.
April 18, 2024
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