Caribbean art floods ARCO: "It is a mental space, it exceeds the physical"

By: Vanessa Graell, El Mundo
"The New York gallery Hutchinson, specialized in Latin American art in its broadest sense, presents one of its reference artists: Juan Sánchez (New York, 1954), who in the 80s was the champion of Nuyorican art, a neologism with the New York and Puerto Rican terms and that designates an entire cultural current. Currently, two blocks from Central Park, Sánchez stars in Hutchinson's exhibition, and ARCO carries a collage from his family album: black and white prints of immigrant life in Brooklyn, although it could be San Juan, Havana or Naples. The artist summarizes his work like this: 'Searching for racial, cultural, social and political definitions that have their roots and come from a hostile environment is a necessity for my creative process. Deeply unearthing the history of the Colonized and the Colonizers and rescuing what belongs to us is part of the process....'"
March 4, 2024
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