April 20th-May 20th 2023 -
Grostein with Mr. Paiva at Garra Foundry in 1994 preparing for the XXII Biennial International of São Paulo
Young Grostein biking in Guarujá, a beach near São Paulo
After attending high school at Colégio Rio Branco, Grostein went to IADÊ, founded by Italo Bianchi. The school hired teachers, lecturers, and professionals whose expertise ranged from the visual arts, architecture, to art history.
In 1969, Grostein was accepted into the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London, where she further cultivated her drawing and watercolor skills. She would often spend her time at the Tate Gallery, observing the watercolors of J.M.W Turner. Attending RCA, she enriched her creative and technical abilities, unfortunately her studies were cut short due to the unexpected passing of her mother in 1970.
University of Florida, Billboard Commission
1979Grostein, alongside three other women artists, were invited from across the United States of America to create their own billboards at the University of Florida. -
Museums and Exhibitions
Grostein at Betty Parsons Gallery
Galeria São Paulo, 1983
Forma Selvagem 20 anos de percurso, The Wild Form 20 years' survey (1993)
Marcia Grostein's Solo Exhibition at Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP); Curated by Sheila Leirner, Essay by Brooks Adam -
Marcia Grostein, Chairs, 1981, Acrylic on canvas, 81 1/2 x 52 1/2 in
Marcia Grostein, She, 1993, Fiberglass epoxy resin on steel, 67 1/2 x 19 in
Spatial Passage
Marcia GrosteinThe installation Spatial Passage at the XXII Biennial International of São Paulo, 1994, was comprised of a dance centered around Grostein's sculptures. The dance was choreographed by Grostein and performed by Marcia Goren. -
“when the light like a vinebegins twining itself to walls still in shadow”-Jorge Luis Borges (“Dawn”)
Outdoor Sculpture
Public Art: Sky Drawings, 1994-Present
Grostein states: "Sky Drawings serve as a memorial to the deceased and remind viewers that, even amid loss, we do not stand alone. The public art installation series originated from Sky Call for the Ones Never Found, an homage to the lives lost during the tragic events of 9/11. Today, the project has evolved to commemorate the deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic."
still moments, 1999-2000
Brighton Beach Bliss, 2012-2019
Grostein’s Brighton Beach Bliss photographs are a testament of harmonious coexistence between diverse populations. This body of work was influenced by Martinique-born philosopher Édouard Glissant’s theory of “archipelagic thought,” which celebrates the world’s diversity, and his concept of "Utopia," as a place where all the world’s imaginations can interact with one another without dispersing or losing themselves. Comprised of intimate, yet unabashed beachgoer portraits, this series reveals an intermingling of races, religions, relationships, and body types that characterizes the oceanside community of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York.
“My work is all about intuition. I am always changing, reworking and moving.”- Marcia Grostein -
Birds into the Night Series, Exhibited with the Academia Foundation at Museo Diocesano di Sant' Apollonia, Venice Biennial, 1988
Marcia Grostein, The Sacred Garden of Adam, 1988, Oil on canvas, 78 x 60 in, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Children's Book Illustration
Max-O-Narr, written by Lynn Guerra, illustrated by Marcia Grostein, 1996 -
Grostein was commisioned to create 20 paintings for the inspirational tale for adults and children, Max-O-Narr, written by Lynn Guerra. The modern fable follows the adventures of a cat that is empowered to reveal its true self, inspiring all the other cats in the world to do the same.
Being There
Marcia Grostein -
Creating through the Pandemic
Marcia Grostein, Crawling Out of the Covid Cave (front view), 2021, Acrylic on ceramic and resin
Marcia Grostein, Crawling Out of the Covid Cave (back view), 2021, Acrylic on ceramic and resin
Marcia Grostein, Pandemic Trilogy (triptych), 2020, Oil and band-aid on handmade paper, 10 x 19.5 in
Marcia Grostein, Sitting Behind the Curtains, 2020, Oil on handmade paper, 6.5 x 10 in
Women of the Americas: Emerging Perspectives
Center for Inter-American Relations and Kouros GalleryFeaturing an Illustration of Grostein's Untitled (1980) -
Today's Art of Brazil
Marcia Grostein was included in a group exhibition at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, Japan. -
Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand Retrato e auto-retrato da arte brasileira
Museu de Arte Moderna de São PauloMarcia Grostein was included in a group portrait exhibition at the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. -
19a Bienal Internacional de São Paulo Catálogo Geral
Marcia Grostein was one of the participating artists in the 19a Bienal Internacional de São Paulo in 1987. -
Latin American Artists in New York Since 1970
The Sacred Gardens and Fantastical Bestiaries of Marcia Grostein
Birds in Spirit
Marcia Grostein participated in a two-person exhibition with Hunt Slonem at the Museo Diocesano Di Sant'Apollonia. -
Brazil: Images of the 80's & 90's
22nd International Biennial of São Paulo
Marcia Grostein -
The Wild Form
Texts Including The Wild Form by Sheila Leirner and Marcia Grosteins Earthly Paradise: An American View by Brooks Adams -
Pequeño Formato Latinoamericano 94
Artistas Contemporáneos en Latinoamerica -
Latin America at the End of Politics
Digital & Video Art Fair
The Streets New York 2008 March 22-30Marcia Grostein participated in a video art forum that was organized by Louise Blouin Media, VideoArtWorld, and White Box. -
bienal de cuenca
interseccionesMarcia Grostein was included in the bienal de cuenca in 2009 with her video Karasele . -
low power society
continuous hyperconsumption and the end of the middle class in a hyperurban planet -
Industrial Art Biennial
Exit Art
Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art -
Art Without Barriers
The Accessible Sculpture Garden at Peconic LandingMarcia Grostein participated in a group sculpture exhibition at Peconic Landing. -
Soirée, la Luce del Pensiero
Marcia Grostein, along with 19 other international artists, was commissioned to decorate a guzzini lamp. -
Bridging Horizons: Brazilian Photography Today
Curated by Paul ClemenceMarcia Grostein was included in a Brazilian photography group exhibition at the Consulate General of Brazil in New York.
Review of Marcia Grostein at Betty Parsons Gallery
George Bradley reviews Marcia Grostein's exhibition at Betty Parsons Gallery. -
Il Bienal Do Mercosul
Marcia Grostein's work is featured at Il Bienal Do Mercosul. -
Color in Brazilian Art
A discussion of Marcia Grostein's work and its intentions. -
Review of "Informed by Function"
La naturaleza antropomorfa de utensilios domésticos como mesas y sillas conlleva que estos retraten y reinterpreten. Traen consigo un aura de corporeidad al arte. Su familiaridad sugiere un contexto sepultado,... -
Marcia Grostein
Marcia Grostein international press clippings and articles c. 1980s. -
The Best Bet
October 15, 2012Robert Wilson's painted steel chair is placed and discussed alongside Marcia Grostein's sculpture With You Alone in 'The Best Bet' in the Strategist Section of New York Magazine . -
'Disciplined Spontaneity'
January 6, 2010A discussion of the group exhibition Disciplined Spontaneity and Marcia Grostein's involvement through sculpture is featured in the 'Best in Show' section of the Village Voice. -
Brighton Beach Bliss: The World as it Should Be
All About Photo shares information about Marcia Grostein's exhibition Brighton Beach Bliss: The World as it Should Be at Heritage Brazil. -
Musée Magazine shares information about and photographs from the opening of Marcia Grostein's Brighton Beach Project at the National Arts Club. -
Artist Marcia Grostein Donates Art Sales for Studio NYC
January 6, 2020Marcia Grostein's print sales from the series Brighton Beach Bliss will benefit Studio in a School. -
Marcia Grostein contributed to the Art4Play section in The New York Times to reimagine the concrete playground in Central Park. -
Marcia Grostein : Brighton Beach Bliss
A review of Marcia Grostein's exhibition at the National Arts Club -
Codes of Culture: Video Art from 7 Continents
An exhibition of international video artists for ArteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina with the Streaming Museum -
Art Das Kuntsmagazin
Interview Magazine